Dashboard Blue Set-up
QMS PA speakers: KW18 sub, KW112 top. Great small foot-print system.

The Wonderful Taylor Family
Left to Right: 2007 612 CE, 301-M Baby, 2003 810 CE... I have approached each acoustic guitar purchase very carefully due to the expense of a workable acoustic instrument and for some reason repeatedly ended up with Taylor as my goto .

2001 Less Paul Classic
Mr. Carl Powell gave me this guitar back in the day. Blew me away...such an amazing gift that I have played and treasured through every year. You The Man Carl Powell.

1984 Gibson Less Paul Custom Shop Black Beauty
I traded Joe Ramsey (a classmate from Erwin High) a 1967 Fender Jaguar that my mother bought me for this guitar. Restored by Randy Hughes.

2021 Fender Player Series Telecaster
I always wanted a telecaster with a Pearly Gates hum-bucker in the bridge.

2022 Fender Player Series Stratocaster HSS
Always wanted a Strat with the bridge Hum-bucker pickup. A very versatile configuration. Probably my favorite.

Zion Power Glide
My sweet wife purchased this guitar as a gift for me with a bonus she received from Bi-Lo food store.

1989 American Standard Fender Stratocaster
I purchased this guitar from Jeff Lawings' dad Garvin Lawing. My all-time go-to guitar. RIP Jeff Lawing 2016.

Blue Maple PRS Style
My wife gave me a PRS style guitar kit for my 62nd. This was such a fun project for me choosing the electronics and the finish. I went with Seymour Duncan Phat Cat P-90 style PUPS.

Clara Bell
This is my second guitar kit build. This one is an SG style and has Seymour Duncan Seth Lover Pick-ups. Hopefully my granddaughter, Miss Clara will appreciate a little hand me down from ole Pop Pop.

Tube Glory
Some awesome tools I've been fortunate enough to own and enjoy along the way.

Set-up For Church Worship
Great evening with friends from Covenant Community church at a United Methodist Western NC gathering.

Fender Player Series Telecaster
I finally got a telecaster with a Pearly Gates hum-bucker in the bridge.